Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Diplomatic Power Of The United States - 1444 Words

Duong Nguyen July 10, 2015 Term Paper Essay Professor: Alex H. Xiao Diplomatic Power From the time Pilgrims first landing in a new country that now call America, Englishman has started diplomacy with the Indian tribes. The English colonies dealt with other nations and signed trade and agreement years by years to keep peace and treaty. One of the key beliefs formed in this period, which the United States was a nation set apart and an example to the world, is almost as old as English colonization. John Winthrop’s has guided American diplomacy from the revolutionary era to the present. Winthrop said: â€Å"We shall be as a City upon a Hill, and the eyes of all people are upon us.† (McMahon pg. 3) A country’s foreign policy is the endless of decades of effort intended to response the needs of a nation, both domestic and international. The presidents derive their authorized power which are stated in the Constitution, those powers are; chief executive, commander in chief of the armed forces, and head of state. While Congress consisting of two parties: the House of Representative and the Senate has the power to investigate and oversee the executive branch. Which mean the Congress is very important as one of the three branch. In the Constitution article 2, the executive power to appoint specific influence within federal bureaucracy for the president. As leader of the United States the president has many roles to fulfill such as chief executive, in which the president implement the lawsShow MoreRelatedThe End Of The Second World War Essay1640 Words   |  7 Pages The end of the Second World War marked the descent of old world powers such as Germany and Great Britain, and the upsurge of two superpowers, the United States of America and the Soviet Union. 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