Friday, April 10, 2020

Hum 130 Dq Responses Essay Example

Hum 130 Dq Responses Essay http://www. bellaonline. com/articles/art19100. asp http://www. cultureandrecreation. gov. au/articles/indigenous/ An Indigenous religion in Japan is called Shinto. Shinto’s believe that the gods or spirits are found in all things living. Shrines were build around Japan once Buddhism became apart of the Japanese life style. Modern Civilization impacted the religion and people who believed in it when the government altered Shintoisim and created â€Å"State Shinto† for publicity purposes. Indigenous Religions are still practiced today. Another Indigenous religion is the Sami Culture. Sami indigenous religion is a type of worship that drumming and, chanting, yoiking, was of singular importance. It was mostly composed of family members working to become a gate way for souls. Traditionally, the healer and protector is called a noaide. This religion is more difficult to fathom being factual because of the extreme this religion is slowly disappearing. The drums have been the most important tool to the Sami. It is the main communicator. The Sami believe in the â€Å"free Soul† This religion is changing because it is slowly disappearing. †¢ Due Date: Day 4 [Main Forum] †¢ Read Chapter 2 (Indigenous Sacred Ways) Post your response to these questions: As suggested by Fisher (2005) in Living Religions, consider the interrelatedness of everything in the cosmos as it is expressed in many indigenous religions. How do you think the importance of these relationships developed? What spiritual purpose do you think they serve for indigenous peoples? †¢ Post y our response to the discussion question by clicking on Reply What I perceived from Fisher (2005) about the importance of interrelationships between everything in the cosmos was that people learned to reverence what was sacred and pure. Some Indigenous people use the circle as a sign of unity. We will write a custom essay sample on Hum 130 Dq Responses specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Hum 130 Dq Responses specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Hum 130 Dq Responses specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The circle has no beginning or end it is infinite. It is said that a circle is the perfect framework for harmony. Fisher (2005) states, â€Å"Life revolves around the generational cycles of birth, youth, maturity, and physical death, the return of the seasons, the cyclical movements of the moon, sun, stars, and planets. † This idea stands as an example for the indigenous people to live by. The importance of this relationship between universe and humans is important. Indigenous people live by the circle because they know that good things will come back around to them if they live accordingly. Life does have a funny way of repeating itself.

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